Friday, November 30, 2012


I moved to move on. 

The past two years were exhausting at best and dreadfully agonizing at worst. 

I felt like the entire universe was conspiring against me. It was a stage when I'd take a couple of steps forward only to be pulled back a few steps more backward.

It was literally peppered with unending disappointments and betrayals. 

The Universe, I think, played a series of jokes on me. Maybe it is just leveling the field or whatever. I worked for a lot of the things I've achieved. I paid the prices of those so-called opportunities. I feel it's so unfair that I'd be subjected to those series of dead ends. 

So, yeah, here I am. I moved to another island to find myself without all that noise generated in that other island. 

I moved to another island where I don't have any friends here. Literally, a new start. I'm still trying to feel my way around. I'm still learning the ropes of the culture of the place. It's a brand new canvass for me. Sometimes, I feel like such a tourist/foreigner in my own country. But, hey, I also feel like my explorations are showing me newer things. Some days, I take a few wrong turns while driving. Asking for directions can be a pain because of the language barrier. 

See, however, I am in a new place where no one knows me and no one will send me bad vibes because of professional/personal jealousy. I find peace here. Peace within and without me. 

While my family panics that I am in a new place, I haven't felt this much security in a long long long long while... and, surprisingly, I find that kind of peace and security in a faraway foreign island where life is simple but plentiful.  Can't beat that. 

I moved here to move on from the unnecessary and painful trappings of where I used to be. I will find myself when the time comes. 

For now, I am happily lost.